Friday, April 4, 2014

Beauty and Betrayal

People tend to equate physical attractiveness with soundness of character. Men and women with pleasing features and well proportioned bodies are thought better of by the general population than those with lesser appearances. This is clearly insane.

It has been my experience that there is absolutely no connection between one's features and one's moral fiber; yet even I fall victim to this fallacy. Every time I enter a room my eyes seek out the pretty women, not the smartest or the kindest or those with the most gentile manners.

Beauty inspires trust and trust is the only prerequisite for betrayal. We know intellectually that wickedness can just as easily come in a pleasing shape as any other, yet turn our heads and step into the trap as quickly and quietly as a cub alone in the woods for the first time

We never learn; even with a lifetime of experience to aid us. We remain vigilant against the old and the ugly and the infirm, but beauty is always given a free pass. I have no idea why this is so, but it is.

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