Saturday, May 31, 2014


The average creationist couldn't outsmart Homer Simpson on the subject of hair loss. Even bald trumps stupid.

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Chicken Hawks

I have no trouble with someone actively avoiding military service. Draft dodging is a time honored tradition amongst pacifists and political dissenters. What I have trouble with is someone actively supporting a war that they themselves have avoided fighting in. If you dodge the draft you are morally and ethically required to speak out against the hostilities you've refused to help perpetuate. That's the rule. Protecting your own ass is one thing, protecting your own ass by sending others to get theirs shot off in place of yours is quite another. There is a distinct deference between being a chicken and a chicken hawk.

Consider the cases of 1960's ant-war activist, David Harris and former vice-president, Dick Cheney. Both refused to serve in Vietnam. Harris went to jail for his beliefs and served fifteen month in a minimum security prison in California. After his release he continued to oppose both American involvement in Southeast Asia and the draft. Cheney -- on the other hand -- received five deferments, spend six years completing a four year college degree, and was allowed to pursue "other priorities" while simultaneously vocally supporting the war he worked so hard to avoid becoming an active part of.

George W. Bush used his family's political connections to avoid serving in Vietnam. He joined the Texas Air National Guard and never saw a day of action outside of the continental United States. His two Democratic opponents, in the 2000 and 2004 Presidential elections, Al Gore and John Kerry, both opposed the war as young men, yet joined the military anyway, went to Vietnam, and served with distinction. For his valor under fire, Kerry was awarded a Silver Star, a Bronze Star, and three Purple Hearts. Dubya, according to his commanding officer,  was AWOL for over a year in 1972 and 1973 and, ultimately, failed to fulfill his contractual obligations to the Guard (made at the beginning of his "service").

Throughout their political careers, both Cheney and Bush continued their chicken-hawkish ways; ultimately sending thousands of young men to die abroad in order to satiate their own lusts for power and blood. Bush propped up his failing presidency for eight years and forever weakened American democracy. Cheney used the wars he helped to create to accumulate a huge personal fortune. Together, the pair were responsible for the deaths of over a million people and the theft of billions of dollars from the United States Treasury. And, in one of the most disgraceful presidential campaigns in American history, Chicken-hawk-Dubya succeeded in using war-hero-Kerry's military record against him.

For chicken hawks, it's all squawk; and the squawking is endless. For eight long years, men who had scrupulously avoided military service controlled the arsenal of democracy; and used it like it was their own personal little army. Bush and Cheney -- intent on evening old scores, avenging perceived slights, and making the world safe for crony capitalism -- behaved like chicken hawk warlords. Eight years of foreign invasions, political accusations, and profit taking. Eight years of outrageous lies, astounding incompetence, and extraordinary greed. Eight years spent fouling their own nests, before flying away and leaving others to clean up their mess.

No, I have no trouble with draft dodging. But the combination of draft dodger and war criminal is very troubling indeed. I have trouble with gun-toting, has been rock musicians -- the draft dodging shit still clinging to their shorts and their souls -- telling me how to be a good American. I have trouble with the chicken-hawkish patriotism of those who love sticking their guns in the faces of unarmed women and children or blowing away animals in the wild, but balk at the idea of facing an opposing army. There are cowards and there are sociopaths; and their war cry seems to be "if there's shooting, put the woman and children up front." The chicken hawk is an evil bird.

Monday, May 26, 2014

Bury the Dead

When you honor the dead soldier you make war something it is not: a noble institution. Dead men should be pitied, not celebrated. Heroism in the name of a bad cause is lamentable. Dying for one's country is the most contemptible of myths. Every nation has its war dead, but very few of these poor souls have died for anything other than the dreams of greedy men. Be careful who you deify, for you will have to live with the gods you create. The worst day in the history of the world was the day Jesus was recast as Mars.

Memorializing the lamb sanctifies his slaughter. Martyrs are created, not born. Guts are spread around the battlefield and glory dissipates accordingly. The cemeteries of the world are littered with the bones of young men who thought they were doing the right thing and who died on the orders of those who knew they were not. The gods of war are not content with the blood of the few, they want the hearts and minds of the many. This guarantees that they will always be fed. Remember the dead with only one thought in mind. Never Again!

Sunday, May 25, 2014

Tragedy and Stupidity

Yet another mass shooting; tragic on so many levels. Everyone gets rejected at one time or another, but everyone doesn't kill six people and themselves in response. Yes, let's care for the mentally ill. Let's get them the help they need. Let's show them every kindness possible. Depression and other mental illnesses are terrible things. But let's also keep dangerous weapons out of their hands. We must try something. The status quo isn't working. Any reasonable person would reach the same conclusion. This sort of thing is happening far too often. Tragedy is one thing, stupidity is another.

Thursday, May 22, 2014

Assault Weapon

An assault weapon is designed to carry out an assault; that is to say, to attack other human beings. It's not a defensive weapon. You can't tuck it under your pillow at night or throw it in the closet and bring it out when you think you hear a bugler downstairs. You can't hunt game with it. You can't target or skeet shoot with it. You can't conceal it under your coat or stash in the glove box of the car. You can only do one thing with it: open fire on large groups of people. You can use it to shoot up your place of business or spray a city block with bullets or murder children at a school or get in a shoot out with the police. It was created to take life quickly and easily and in large numbers. It was not built to save or protect life. It is a dangerous item in anyone's hand, even in the hands of someone who purchases it with the best of intentions; even in the hands of trained military personnel. It is not something anyone should walk down the street carrying openly or should be allowed to carry openly. It is not something to be placed on the table or slung around your shoulder at McDonald's while you finish your happy meal. It is not freedom. It is not liberty. It is naked power.  It is control and destruction. It is death waiting to happen. It is the tragic ending to a slippery slope argument.

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Words of a Suicide

I am reading
the words of a suicide
poetic pronouncements
swathed in potential blood

testament to truth
clouded over by
schizophrenia views
of love and longing.

I push a rag
against the screen
hoping to stop the flow
of angst imagery

holding blue knuckle tight
least my own wrists
contact the knife like
nouns and verbs.

I am empathy
a good Samaritan unhorsed
over a sister stricken
on a lonely street

arms always open
set to sooth
a voyeur saint
weeping for the dead.

Sunday, May 18, 2014

American Breakfast Tragedy

National Enquirer reports:

The "real" reason OJ killed Nicole

NICOLE: "L'eggo my Eggo!"
OJ: "Die, bitch, die!"

Speculation is that this is why no syrup was found on the Bruno Magli shoes.

Saturday, May 17, 2014

One-eyed Man

In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man isn't king, he's either in jail or dead. Nothing pisses off the mob more than an educated and honest individual.

Superiority that makes itself known is almost always dealt with quickly and harshly. And this holds true whether the transgression is intellectual or moral in character.

Genius is distrusted and saintliness disliked. The rule of the jungle favors and rewards mediocrity. The inquisition was created for those who honor ability before authority.

The emperor, my friends, would rather freeze to death than admit that he's naked. And the boy who laughs at his folly will spend the rest of his days under lock and key.

Friday, May 16, 2014

Rape Culture

Respect for women and for all living things is something learned at an early age or not at all. Rapists are raised; and are not merely poor uninformed souls who need to be set straight on an important point of social etiquette. A talk with your son will not correct twenty years of bad parenting. Any young man who needs to be "told" that rape is an evil and vile act is probably beyond redemption already. Rape culture -- like all forms of selfishness, insensitivity, and cruelty -- begins at home.

Sunday, May 11, 2014


It looks like Cliven Bundy and Ann Coulter had a couple of love children a while back. . .

Friday, May 9, 2014

The Message

The Subliminal GOP. Benghazi Benghazi Benghazi Benghazi Benghazi Benghazi Benghazi Benghazi Koch Benghazi Benghazi Benghazi Benghazi Benghazi Benghazi Benghazi Benghazi Benghazi Benghazi. . .

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Bad Priorities

Any society that grants individuals the right to use deadly force to protect property clearly values property more than human life.

Jesus Masturbating

In rebuttal, I'm working on a short video of Jesus masturbating while listening to heavy mental music. In the background, the Virgin Mary and the twelve Apostles will be smoking marijuana and conducting background checks for fire arms permits.

Monday, May 5, 2014


Never, ever talk to the cops. The jails are full of innocent people who thought they could clear themselves by cooperating with authorities. The police are not your friend. They do not have your best interests at heart. Life is not television. They are not the good guys. They are not nice people. They will manipulate anything you say into an admission of guilt. Don't believe anything they tell you. They are liars.

The purpose of any police investigation is not to find the guilty party, but to find someone to blame. The police don't interview citizens, they interrogate suspects. Don't make their job easy. Cops don't investigate crime, they create it. It's better to hang an innocent man than to hang no one at all. They are not interested in obtaining justice. All they desire is closure.

Thursday, May 1, 2014

Protection from the Law

The biggest bullies in America are the ones in uniforms, suits and ties, and robes. If you try to fight back against them they will lock you up and throw away the key. And there isn't a damn thing you can do about it. No law can be written that will protect you from the law. Order is a two-edged sword and those who wield it are sometimes careless.