This is just one of those cutesy online greeting cards that is supposed to be witty, but isn't. Obviously, the statistics are made up. Awesomeness is far too subjective a term to have any quantifiable meaning. The picture was probably pulled from another card and re-captioned. I see no connection between the faces or body positions of the children and the message they are supposedly exchanging. Are they saying that the more positive aspects of our personalities come from our mothers? That is a debatable proposition. In my family, most of us take after our father.
Here we have yet another example of someone trying to say something profound, but not having the skill or intelligence to communicate their idea accurately. The entire thing strikes me as both misconceived and poorly executed. It neither tugs on my heartstrings nor engages my funny-bone. It merely annoys me.
(NOTE: I am saving a copy of this graphic for future reference. I have named the new file: "barf.jpg.")
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