I have no trouble with someone actively avoiding military service. Draft dodging is a time honored tradition amongst pacifists and political dissenters. What I have trouble with is someone actively supporting a war that they themselves have avoided fighting in. If you dodge the draft you are morally and ethically required to speak out against the hostilities you've refused to help perpetuate. That's the rule. Protecting your own ass is one thing, protecting your own ass by sending others to get theirs shot off in place of yours is quite another. There is a distinct deference between being a chicken and a chicken hawk.
Consider the cases of 1960's ant-war activist, David Harris and former vice-president, Dick Cheney. Both refused to serve in Vietnam. Harris went to jail for his beliefs and served fifteen month in a minimum security prison in California. After his release he continued to oppose both American involvement in Southeast Asia and the draft. Cheney -- on the other hand -- received five deferments, spend six years completing a four year college degree, and was allowed to pursue "other priorities" while simultaneously vocally supporting the war he worked so hard to avoid becoming an active part of.
George W. Bush used his family's political connections to avoid serving in Vietnam. He joined the Texas Air National Guard and never saw a day of action outside of the continental United States. His two Democratic opponents, in the 2000 and 2004 Presidential elections, Al Gore and John Kerry, both opposed the war as young men, yet joined the military anyway, went to Vietnam, and served with distinction. For his valor under fire, Kerry was awarded a Silver Star, a Bronze Star, and three Purple Hearts. Dubya, according to his commanding officer, was AWOL for over a year in 1972 and 1973 and, ultimately, failed to fulfill his contractual obligations to the Guard (made at the beginning of his "service").
Throughout their political careers, both Cheney and Bush continued their chicken-hawkish ways; ultimately sending thousands of young men to die abroad in order to satiate their own lusts for power and blood. Bush propped up his failing presidency for eight years and forever weakened American democracy. Cheney used the wars he helped to create to accumulate a huge personal fortune. Together, the pair were responsible for the deaths of over a million people and the theft of billions of dollars from the United States Treasury. And, in one of the most disgraceful presidential campaigns in American history, Chicken-hawk-Dubya succeeded in using war-hero-Kerry's military record against him.
For chicken hawks, it's all squawk; and the squawking is endless. For eight long years, men who had scrupulously avoided military service controlled the arsenal of democracy; and used it like it was their own personal little army. Bush and Cheney -- intent on evening old scores, avenging perceived slights, and making the world safe for crony capitalism -- behaved like chicken hawk warlords. Eight years of foreign invasions, political accusations, and profit taking. Eight years of outrageous lies, astounding incompetence, and extraordinary greed. Eight years spent fouling their own nests, before flying away and leaving others to clean up their mess.
No, I have no trouble with draft dodging. But the combination of draft dodger and war criminal is very troubling indeed. I have trouble with gun-toting, has been rock musicians -- the draft dodging shit still clinging to their shorts and their souls -- telling me how to be a good American. I have trouble with the chicken-hawkish patriotism of those who love sticking their guns in the faces of unarmed women and children or blowing away animals in the wild, but balk at the idea of facing an opposing army. There are cowards and there are sociopaths; and their war cry seems to be "if there's shooting, put the woman and children up front." The chicken hawk is an evil bird.
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